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Soret Urn-form Watch

Release date:2019-04-10
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Soret Urn-form Watch

Inventory number: PW1809007

Produced circa 1800, signed Soret A Genève. 11cmx5cm. Silver, gold, enamel, and paste-set with integral armorial seal. Gilt full-plate, fusée with chain, verge escapement manual movement. 

Functions: hours and minutes.

Historical Background

This lavishly decorated watch is a perfect example of the fashion for such novelty timepieces in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It was evidently intended for use at the owner’s writing desk, the foot is engraved with an aristocratic coat-of-arms and ducal coronet to be used for the sealing of important documents. 

The Sorets were originally from Blois, France, and became members of the bourgeoisie in Geneva in 1668. Several generations of reputed watchmakers originated from the first settlers.

Form Watch

Form watch can be worn around the neck, carried in pockets or used as brooches. Watchmakers were full of creativity, they got inspiration from a wide range of things to make these timepieces, such as fruits, flowers, animals, musical instruments, books, or even crucifix. Thus during the 18th and 19th centuries, they were very attractive and popular portable timekeepers for ladies and gentlemen of certain social statuses.
