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19th Century Music Box inset with Clock

Release date:2019-09-12
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19th Century Music Box inset with Clock

Inventory Number: OT1908001

Size: 70cm x 36cm x 30cm

Made circa the 1880s, rosewood case inlaid with marquetry, the hinged top opens to visible cylinder mechanism, plays 10 tunes with 9 bells. On the left side, there is a handle for winding the music mechanism, and a switch for striking or stop; on the right side, there is a switch for single track or loop playback switch on the upper side; a switch for continued play or play on the hour.

The case front inlaid with a clock, two train movement with 8-day duration, strikes on half-hour and hours, made in France.

Signed '48. Cheapside. Keith. Prowse& Co. London'  inside the box, this company was established in 1839, specialized in the agency business of high-end piano, music box, and record products.


Ten tunes and their composers are list on the lithograph at the interior of the lid, and shown as below:

1. You’ll Remember me. Ralpe (To be confirmed)
2. Scenes that are brightest. William Wallace (1860-1940, Scottish Composer)
3. There is a Flower that Bloometh.  William Wallace (1860-1940, Scottish Composer)
4. Kathleen Maroumer(TBC)   


5. The Minstrel BoyThomas Moore (1779-1852, Irish songwriter)
6. Faust       Charles Gounod (1818-1893, French Composer)
7. Les Noces de FigaroWolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791, Austrian Composer)
8. Martha   Friedrich Wil von Flotow (1812-1883, German Composer)
9. Mignon   Ambroise Thomas (1811-1896, French Composer)
10. La Creation    Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809, Austrian Composer)
