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19th Century Four-Glass Clock with Singing Bird Automaton

Release date:2019-04-10
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19th Century Four-Glass Clock with Singing Bird Automaton

Inventory number: C1809008

H. 55cm x L. 21.5cm x W. 32.5cm

Made in France circa late 19th century. Gilt brass with four glass case and ebonized base. White enamel dial with Roman numerals, chapter ring enclosing visible Brocot escapement. Circular two-train movement with Ellicott compensated pendulum, striking the hours and half hours on a bell. The base of the case enclosing a substantial singing bird mechanism with large going barrel and two vertical cams for the bird song, activated after the hour strike by a rod along the case corner. 

Four-glass clocks started to enter the market and became popular circa early mid-19th century, it’s a very common type of French clock. 
